
NAWBO Silicon Valley Blog

President’s Message | March 2021

Being a part of an organization that represents a unified voice of over 10 million women-owned businesses is an immense support to our community of women business owners, which includes my business and your business as well.

Let Go So Your Company Can Grow

Submitted by Anne Marie McGraw An excerpt from Women in Business: Breaking Through Anne Marie McGraw, President of Insignia Environmental, was [...]

Management Tips & Tricks: Client Expectations

Submitted by Kathryn Fortin, MCCT President & Founder, Lead Solutions Architect, EdTech and technology project management are similar. Sometimes the biggest [...]

President’s Message | February 2021

Being a part of an organization that represents a unified voice of over 10 million women-owned businesses is an immense support to our community of women business owners, which includes my business and your business as well.

President’s Message | January 2021

Being a part of an organization that represents a unified voice of over 10 million women-owned businesses is an immense support to our community of women business owners, which includes my business and your business as well.

Did You Pivot Your Business?

Submitted by Gina Covello, MA, Habla Language Services Did you know COVID and its lockdown was coming? Were you prepared to [...]

Use Content To Build Trust in 2021

Submitted by Lori Maupas of Worddiva Marcom Writing Services In the aftermath of Covid-19 and the political and social unrest of 2020, [...]

President’s Message | December 2020

Being a part of an organization that represents a unified voice of over 10 million women-owned businesses is an immense support to our community of women business owners, which includes my business and your business as well.

Virtual Holiday Celebrations

Submitted by Kathryn Fortin, Fortech We’re all more dependent on virtual video communication these days with the pandemic. Not only for business, but [...]

How To Rewrite Your Career

Submitted by Lisa Bennett In June, after 3 months of sheltering in place, I thought, “How can I help others?” -- because [...]

Become a California DECA Judge

Submitted by By Amory Gao, State President, California DECA As shelter-in-place orders persist throughout California, 900+ Silicon Valley high school students will [...]

President’s Message | November 2020

Being a part of an organization that represents a unified voice of over 10 million women-owned businesses is an immense support to our community of women business owners, which includes my business and your business as well.