A New Way of Selling: Think Like a Buyer
March 26, 20135:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Skip Miller is Founder and President of M3 Learning, a ProActive Sales and Sales Management Training Company based in the heart of Silicon Valley.
As President of M3 Learning, Skip has provided training to hundreds of companies in over 35 countries. He created M3 Learning to “make a salesperson better on each individual call.” M3 Learning’s signature selling methodology, ProActive Selling™, is unique in its high-definition focus on the tactics of selling and proactive sales cycle control.
Skip is also the author of the runaway bestseller, ProActive Sales Management. Ranked number one by Amazon for five consecutive years, it has have been translated into multiple languages worldwide and has become the classic textbook for Sales Managers, both new and seasoned alike.
Skip is also the author of four other bestselling books including ProActive Selling, now in its second edition, Knock Your Socks Off Prospecting, Ultimate Sales Tool Kit, ProActive Sales Management and More ProActive Sales Management. He is currently at work on his sixth title.
A long-term instructor for American Management Association (AMA), Skip has authored numerous AMA training programs including Sales Force Automation: Getting Measurable Productivity Increases, and How to Hire the Right Salesperson the First Time.
He is also the author of M3 Learning’s popular Courseware–Sales Management Track including ProActive Sales Management™, ProActive Sales Management II™, Interviewing Hiring Salespeople™; Sales Track: ProActive Selling™, Value!™, ProActive Sales Strategies™; Skills Track: Negotiate!™, Present!™, and Perceptual Selling™.
Prior to starting M3 Learning, Skip was a Vice President for Dataquest, a leading high technology market research firm. He held numerous positions within Dataquest including Vice President, General Manager–North America, and Vice President for North American Sales and Marketing, During Skip’s tenure, the company’s revenue and earnings were unprecedented.
Prior to Dataquest, Skip spent 11 years with McDonnell Douglas in the Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) market. His experience in sales, marketing and operational management spans more than 25 years.
Skip Miller is Founder and President of M3 Learning, a ProActive Sales and Sales Management Training Company based in the heart of Silicon Valley.
As President of M3 Learning, Skip has provided training to hundreds of companies in over 35 countries. He created M3 Learning to “make a salesperson better on each individual call.” M3 Learning’s signature selling methodology, ProActive Selling™, is unique in its high-definition focus on the tactics of selling and proactive sales cycle control.
Skip is also the author of the runaway bestseller, ProActive Sales Management. Ranked number one by Amazon for five consecutive years, it has have been translated into multiple languages worldwide and has become the classic textbook for Sales Managers, both new and seasoned alike.
Skip is also the author of four other bestselling books including ProActive Selling, now in its second edition, Knock Your Socks Off Prospecting, Ultimate Sales Tool Kit, ProActive Sales Management and More ProActive Sales Management. He is currently at work on his sixth title.
A long-term instructor for American Management Association (AMA), Skip has authored numerous AMA training programs including Sales Force Automation: Getting Measurable Productivity Increases, and How to Hire the Right Salesperson the First Time.
He is also the author of M3 Learning’s popular Courseware–Sales Management Track including ProActive Sales Management™, ProActive Sales Management II™, Interviewing Hiring Salespeople™; Sales Track: ProActive Selling™, Value!™, ProActive Sales Strategies™; Skills Track: Negotiate!™, Present!™, and Perceptual Selling™.
Prior to starting M3 Learning, Skip was a Vice President for Dataquest, a leading high technology market research firm. He held numerous positions within Dataquest including Vice President, General Manager–North America, and Vice President for North American Sales and Marketing, During Skip’s tenure, the company’s revenue and earnings were unprecedented.
Prior to Dataquest, Skip spent 11 years with McDonnell Douglas in the Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) market. His experience in sales, marketing and operational management spans more than 25 years.