Bizwomen Mentoring Monday
February 24, 20207:30 am - 9:30 am
NAWBO Silicon Valley Members – Use code: nawbo10 – $10.00 off per ticket
The event will take place in 43 Business Journals all over the country involving about 8,600 women who will be mentored and another 1,700 women mentors. That means nearly 10,000 of the best and brightest women from Albany to Honolulu are taking part in strengthening the community of strong business women in America.The event will offer the opportunity to choose from over 40 mentors who are the most influential women in the business community for one-on-one coaching sessions for seven minute conversations. The attendees will stand in line and wait for a particular mentor or move to the next mentor available. This will allow the attendees to network with each other while they wait, which is just as important as the coaching sessions.
We expect every attendee to have the opportunity to meet between one and seven mentors. The quick turnaround is organized chaos which will be fast, fun and fulfilling as everyone gets the chance to meet new people and gain new insights.
Want to see the event in action? Click here to check out this video from our inaugural Bizwomen Mentoring Monday.
7:30 – 8:00am – Registration and Networking / BREAKFAST
8:00 – 8:15am – Welcome & Mentee Instructions
8:15 – 9:20am – Speed Coaching
9:20 – 9:30am – Networking & Closing