Let’s Celebrate x5!
July 21, 20204:30 pm - 6:00 pm
RSVP: Please register by July 14th for those ordering wine
Please join us in toasting NAWBO’s 45th Birthday, our 2019-2020 Board of Directors for their tireless work, presentation of the Member of the Year & Ambassador of the Year awards, appreciation to our Corporate Partners, and the Installation of our new Board (2020-2021).
We will have a special guest on the 21st. NAWBO Silicon Valley has invited our NAWBO National Chairperson, Cristina Morales Heaney. Don’t miss out meeting your organization’s Board of Directors National Chair.
Gena Guglielmo of Guglielmo Winery will talk about the wines and the art of networking while SIPping
Raffle Prizes!
Cost: $45 for 2 bottles of Guglielmo wines (1 red & 1 white, see below) + Virtual Event
- Wine Home or Office delivery for those in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. For any other counties, wines will be shipped.
- RSVP: Please register by July 14th for those ordering wine
Cost: $15 for Virtual Event