News & Press
President’s Message | January 2020
Dear Members: We are looking forward to working together to help renew and revitalize our new year’s goals for 2020! As a chapter, we have many accomplishments that we can be proud of and thankful [...]
President’s Message | December 2019
Dear Members: During this holiday season, I would like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy Hanukkah! Undoubtedly, this is a very special time of year where we look forward [...]
President’s Message | November 2019
Dear Members: SPECIAL NOTE: NAWBO Silicon Valley would like to take this opportunity to thank our men and women across the state in their effort in combating fires and power outages helping thousands of people [...]
President’s Message | October 2019
Dear Members: Fall is upon us, reminding us that change is imminent with temperatures decreasing and leaves falling from the trees. It's a wonderful time to reflect on our summer vacations and look forward to [...]
President’s Message | September 2019
We are off to a renewed fiscal year with our recent achievement of the 5-Star Advocacy Award provided by NAWBO National, due to maintaining and achieving benchmarks that drive our chapter's success in advocacy! Our [...]