News & Press
Sales Tax and Online Sales During The Pandemic
Submitted by Monika Miles of Miles Consulting Group In the last 10 months, daily life has been turned upside down because of the pandemic. One of the many consequences of COVID-19 is less in-person shopping, [...]
Employee Appreciation Gift Idea
Submitted by Tracy Gordon Proforma Concepts Unlimited Every year, my client and I come up with ideas for a branded Employee Appreciation gift to distribute throughout their offices. We've done numerous items over the years [...]
Focus on the User Experience, Rather than the Content When Designing Online Courses
Submitted by Kathryn L Fortin Many schools, universities, companies, and organizations are attempting to quickly shift from classroom training to online. They’re trying to adapt their classroom education materials for online learning. But not all of [...]
Preserving The Arts For Future Generations
Submitted by Katherine Winkelman Italian ceramic pottery is referred to as Maiolica because painted pottery to arrive in Italy during Roman times came from Spain through the island of Mallorca before the 15th century. Down [...]
Beyond California: Notice at Collection Requirements for Businesses Across the United States
Submitted by Sari Ratican, Marina Gatto & Saroop Sandhu In response to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), many businesses have recently had to implement additional consumer-facing disclosures to meet the requirement that covered businesses [...]
Facts and Tips to Prepare for Coronavirus Spread as WBOs
As women business owners, we prepare for everything—sales, capital, competition, hiring, retiring and more. Still, unexpected things come up, and that’s why NAWBO is here to best support you. With Coronavirus, or COVID-19, top of [...]
Planning an Event: A Bird’s-Eye View
by: Maxine Goulding, California Special Occasions Any event you host or endorse is a direct reflection of your business or company. Before you start planning an event and sending out invitations, you need to know [...]
eNewsletters: Are They Still Worth it?
by Roberta Kiphuth, Detati Digital Marketing Is newsletter marketing is worth the time and effort? Do people even read them anymore? The answer is YES!...but...they need to provide value.An e-newsletter can be a great tool [...]
Opening Dialogue Through Compliance Training
Before investing on the latest on-demand training to comply with Gov. Code 12950.1, take a few minutes to reflect what you would like to accomplish. For some firms, checking a completion box is sufficient. However, [...]
Reach Your Audience Beyond Translating Your Training Sessions
Professional development is known to be one of the top markers for employee retention. When bringing a superb program to your diverse workforce, how can you ensure that the learning goes beyond the classroom? Oftentimes [...]