Welcome to NAWBO Silicon Valley’s 2018 – 2019 fiscal year! We have an outstanding new and renewed group of board members who are eager and ready to serve our chapter and its members.

As the new President, I’m honored and privileged to build upon our chapter’s success, which was recently led by Maxine Goulding along with our past board members. Maxine’s fearless leadership has allowed us to be where we are today, and we are ready and excited to take our organization to the next level.

We will build upon our Silicon Valley’s uniqueness and create One Voice in making our message clear. NAWBO is about women business owners succeeding through technology, education and expanding global markets. Melissa Grimshaw-Vargas, Program Director, and Toni Navy, Communications Director, will help us promote and advance NAWBO with the marketing techniques and technology available today. Maxine Goulding will focus on raising money and awareness for our NAWBO Education Group through our annual Crystal Chair gala event, so we can create and foster a mentorship program in the future. We are the only NAWBO chapter that has an International Affairs Director, Griselda Quezada-Chavez, bringing global interests to the forefront. These women, along with our other highly qualified board members, will play an important role in making our chapter innovative and exciting.

Our goals this year will be to increase Advocacy, Member Engagement, Corporate Partners and Membership, and we will do this with the help of our members. We want to encourage your involvement so that we can strengthen our sisterhood and grow our businesses. In addition, we will focus on highlighting stronger business connections within the organization, advocacy opportunities and your impact on the communities we serve.

We ask for volunteers to help in the various committees where you can share your knowledge and expertise that will help us build a powerful organization.  By joining our leadership team you become part of the women business owners taking action, growing their business and making change on a local, national and global level. We will think and act like connectors and networkers whether it’s at one of our NAWBO events or through other events we attend, so we can support our members and increase the number of business women that we serve.

Our passion and commitment is to NAWBO and our member’s success.  When we unite our efforts and wide background of experience and knowledge, it will lead us into resonating One Voice in carrying out our mission and goals for 2018 – 2019. I’m looking forward to a fun and successful year with our dedicated board members, along with our amazing members!

Warmest regards,

Flordelisa Harris
President, MAWBO-SV