Happy New Year! I hope each and every one of you was able to refresh and recharge over the holiday break. We at NAWBO SV had a lovely December luncheon featuring the string quartet from the Peninsula Symphony, then the Board took the month off from meeting. We are ready to hit the ground running with quality programs and new in-kind partners. Look for announcements in these monthly newsletters and on our website www.nawbo-sv.org.

January is typically the month for making New Year’s resolutions, which are broken shortly thereafter. If you haven’t already, I suggest making a resolution you can stick to – something small, but sustainable. For example, consider changing one behavior for your business and personally, such as contacting one additional client or referral source per day or parking further from your destination to walk extra steps. These small changes can make a big difference in your business, and personally.

We wish you a prosperous 2014. As always, we welcome your input on how to make this a better chapter and would enjoy hearing from you. Thank you for being part of our readership community.

Very truly yours,
Jennifer Dizon
NAWBO–SV President