Dear NAWBO Silicon Valley Members & Friends,

As I pen this final President’s Message, my heart is filled with gratitude and reflection. Serving as your President for the past four years has been a profound honor and privilege. Together, we have navigated through unprecedented times, and it is with mixed emotions that I conclude my term.

I extend my deepest thanks to the incredible Board of Directors, both past and present. Your servant leadership, dedication, and unwavering support have been the cornerstone of our chapter’s resilience and progress. Through the challenges posed by COVID-19 and its aftermath, we have stood united, ensuring the continued growth and strength of NAWBO Silicon Valley.

To our valued members, your passion, innovation, and tenacity have been the driving force behind our community. Your successes and milestones have inspired me daily, reinforcing my belief in the power of women business owners. It has been a true joy to work alongside you, creating a more inclusive and empowering environment for all.

I also want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our corporate partners and affiliates. Your support and collaboration have been instrumental in advancing our mission. Together, we have built strong, lasting relationships that have enriched our chapter and provided invaluable resources and opportunities for our members.

As I pass the torch to the next leader, I do so with confidence and hope for the future. Our chapter is poised for even greater achievements, and I am excited to see the incredible journeys you will embark upon together.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve and for making these years unforgettable. Let us continue to support, uplift, and empower one another, as we build on the strong foundation we have laid.

“Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” —Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Griselda Quezada-Chavez
NAWBO Silicon Valley President